Avilite SystemsPerfect service, beyond imagination

Ground Level Heliport Lighting System
Solar Powered
The Avlite helipad lighting solution is completely solar powered, reducing installation time & costs. Removing reliance on grid-power allows the system to be portable & quickly deployed
Wireless Controlled
Accepted for use globally the Avlite 2.4 Ghz Wireless network allows users to directly control the operation of lights from a hand-held controller. Control light intensities, switch between visual or infra-Red, or turn the entire system On or Off.
Industry Compliant
The Avlite helipad perimeter lights are the only solar-powered helipad lights to comply with the photometric performance and height requirements of ICAO Annex 14 and CAP-437 international standards.
Alite Systems is a world-class solar aviation lighting systems manufacturer with a proven reputation for rapid, innovative and agile technology solutions designed specifically for defense, government, civil and humanitarian aid operations in the most remote, toughest environments.
Avlite's manufacturing process includes experienced electronics and software engineers, a skilled production team, sophisticated machinery and first rate ISO9001:2008quality assurance procedures.
Agile Manufacturing
Product Innovation
Precision Construction
Total Quality Management
Rapid Turnaround
Eco-friendly: Zero Co2 emissions!
Using clean, pollution-free energy from the sun to power the lights offers an eco-friendly and cost effective lighting solution. Because Avlite Systems aviation lights are runs using solar power there are zero carbon dioxide emissions!
Wind Direction Indicator
Avlite's illuminated, Solar-powered wind direction indicator ensures helicopter pilots an easily determine wind speed and direction
Final Approach & Take-off (FATO) perimeter and Aiming Point Lights
Avlite's completely self-contained helipad light is solar-powered, wireless controlled light that the final approach& take-off (FATO) perimeter and Aiming Point lights
Solar Obstruction Lights
The AV310 and AV410 Solar Powered ICAO LIOL Type A Obstruction lights safely mark obstacles
Taxiway Edge Light
Avlite's ICAO compliant Av70-RF is a solar powered, radio controlled taxiway light
Touchdown & lift-off (TLOF) Perimeter Light
Avlite's helipad light is a solar powered, wireless controlled, completely self-contained LED heliport light designed to meet ICAO Annex 14 touchdown and lift off perimeter lights and CAP437-Offshore Helicopter Landing Areas
Touchdown & lift-off (TLOF) Floodlight
Avlite LED floodlight is a solar-powered lighting option used to clearly identify the touchdown &lift-off (TLOF)area. Angle of tilt of the luminaries is easily adjusted to maximize helipad illumination and the hood prevents upwards glare from dazzling the pilots upon approach.
Radio Controller
Avlite's 2.4 Ghz worldwide accepted radio control allows personnel to remotely activate helipad lighting
Steady Burn & Flashing Approach Light
The AV425 can be used as either a steady burn or flashing approach light, The AV 425 is a completely self-contained, solar powered lighting option and can be wirelessly controlled using Avlite's handheld radio controller.
Heliport Beacon
The Heliport Beacon can be used where long range visual guidance is necessary.